Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hail the Holiday Season!

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone and now we are up to our waist in the holiday season. Happily, as of Friday past, Christmas music is socially legal, though I have to admit that since the Sounds of the Seasons cable music channel began the Christmas tunes right after Halloween, I've been a regular listener. Embrace the spirt - faux and sincere, it's all good!

By the way, when did it's all good become interchangeable with no problem? I first remember it from a visit to So. Cal. a few years ago when one of the indigenous surfer types uttered it. I embraced it there as part of the native speak but suddenly it is everywhere and when I received said response in an email from a business associate yesterday I thought to myself that it simply doesn't work here. Here in the east where short pants and flip flops are appropriate - maybe four months a year - the traditional, No Problem, or Don't Worry About It or the slightly more formal - Don't Give It A Second Thought should still be the response of choice. Listen, I'm the least formal guy in the room, the embracer of pop culture in all it's smudged glory, but please, a bit of decorum must reign or we'll have anarchy in no time flat!

Now get out the plastic decorations, inflate those vinyl Santas and Reindeer for the front lawn and crank up the xmas tunes - believe me, it's all good!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Performance & Film that Holds Up

Reading about Jill Clayburgh's death yesterday brought to mind so many of her great performances from the 70's and 80's. Foremost on that list is one of my favorite films - An Unmarried Woman. This morning I pulled the DVD from the shelf and watched it again and unlike so many movies of that period - it really holds up. Even though it reflects a cultural time that is long past and takes place in a New York that no longer exists physically, it still rings true. The sense of people in relationships and the feeling of being in New York. Do yourself a favor and watch it, even if you saw it when it came out, give it another look. You'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bad Blogger, Bad, Bad Blogger!

Okay, I'll admit it, I've been avoiding you. I promise it wasn't intentional, time just kept getting away from me. I have been busy - really!

Okay, I'm a lazy, new fall TV season watching, slug. You have to admit for the first three months or so, I was keeping up, a new entry every day . . . or at least a couple a week. Well, it was only a matter of time I guess . . . anyway, to catch everyone up I've been wrapping up one film, shooting two others, shooting and editing two more shorts and in between time spending a week in New York where Will Barnet: Tracing the Soul of the Work played to a very enthusiastic crowd at the Art Students League. So all in all, October was a busy but productive and successful month.

Now November is here and it looks like winter in fast on its way. Temps only creeping into the low 40s and our old friend Indian Summer is nowhere in sight. Oh well, time to embrace the change, layer up and start producing - I have three films in the works with the hope that the financing for them will soon follow. So while I wait for the funds to complete, I'll keep shooting. Be well dear readers, I promise I'll be more attentive in the coming weeks.