Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bad Blogger, Bad, Bad Blogger!

Okay, I'll admit it, I've been avoiding you. I promise it wasn't intentional, time just kept getting away from me. I have been busy - really!

Okay, I'm a lazy, new fall TV season watching, slug. You have to admit for the first three months or so, I was keeping up, a new entry every day . . . or at least a couple a week. Well, it was only a matter of time I guess . . . anyway, to catch everyone up I've been wrapping up one film, shooting two others, shooting and editing two more shorts and in between time spending a week in New York where Will Barnet: Tracing the Soul of the Work played to a very enthusiastic crowd at the Art Students League. So all in all, October was a busy but productive and successful month.

Now November is here and it looks like winter in fast on its way. Temps only creeping into the low 40s and our old friend Indian Summer is nowhere in sight. Oh well, time to embrace the change, layer up and start producing - I have three films in the works with the hope that the financing for them will soon follow. So while I wait for the funds to complete, I'll keep shooting. Be well dear readers, I promise I'll be more attentive in the coming weeks.