Thursday, September 15, 2011

Manhattan - Day 2

Well, a long but somewhat better day today. Kicked around Chelsea for the most part, worked via the free wifi down at the market this morning.

Started the revisions to the Barnet short for the Arkansas Arts Center exhibit.

Will Barnet - Self Portrait 1989

Unpacked the rest of my stuff after UPS delivered the final box - yes, I brought too much. Then this evening it was off to the opening of the Barnet retrospective at the National Academy. A really beautiful show that filled all four of the second floor galleries. Amazing, I lived with so many of those images for the year plus I was working on the film but had only seen a hand full of the paintings in person. Will and Elana weren't there but I saw Ira Goldberg, director of the Art Students League, and had a nice chat with him. Was able to locate and introduce myself to Bruce Webber, the curator of the Academy show, but I'm not entirely sure he placed my name as the guy who did the film they're showing at the symposium in November.

Nighty night faithful followers.