Saturday, August 28, 2010

Coffee with a Splash of Friendship

Many of you know how much I love my coffee. Morning, noon or night I'll seldom refuse a cup. This very morning I was in town catching up with a dear friend and as usual, enjoying a cup with a splash of cream. I realized that, although I keep the pot brewing here at home, nothing beats sitting at one of the many coffee serving establishments in town sharing a coffee with a friend. Even average coffee becomes premium blend when mixed with a splash of friendship.

Working with Cabot

Spent several days since my last post traveling down to the studio of Cabot Lyford near Pemaquid Point (yes readers, I've been working not just enjoying the good life. Although working for me is enjoying the good life). The initial shoot for the film has gone very well indeed and working with Cabot has been a real pleasure.

Time now to cut a bit of work together and begin the search for the funding necessary to continue and complete the film. More to come as I continue.

Cabot Lyford cleaning a sculpture for transport to Harbor Square Gallery

Monday, August 16, 2010

Movies: The good, the bad and the favorites (sometimes all of the above applies)

Last Friday evening I had dinner at the home of two of my all-time favorite people - John and Mary Alice Bird. For the longest time I had heard about John's son JB and finally on Friday I had the opportunity to meet him and his two terrific kids. As I suspected would be the case, I had a wonderful time and throughly enjoyed chatting with JB. After dinner the four of us (the kids had tired of the adults and went off to more interesting pursuits) sat and chatted and of course the topic very quickly turned to films and a list of some great ones that JB had compiled. Many of the movies on the list were favorites of mine as well and as we compared notes and favorite lines from some of them I remembered my pal Mike Dworkin had been on to me to put together a favorite films list of my own as well. So here goes - to the right you'll find a beginning of that list and I will over the coming days and weeks ad to and refine it toward putting together my personal list of all-time favorites. Now, keep in mind, that not all of these movies will be "great" films, some will make my list for more personal reasons - a great little supporting performance, or some specific technical aspect, or perhaps they just hold a special place in my life because of where or when I first experienced them. I'll leave it up to you readers to decide which is which.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Up for Air

Well, one small change leads to another but I've finished (I know, I know) the final cut of Will Barnet: Tracing the Soul of the Work. Now, it's on to the next film as I await the public premier of Barnet on the 22nd.

Today I'm off to see the home and studio of Cabot Lyford. Looking forward to getting to know Cabot a bit better and to possibly beginning a film with him. Of course as was the case with Will Barnet and currently with Charlie Oakes, the initial investment of some of my time is only the first step. The hard part is the funding search that follows, that will allow the continued work and ultimate completion of a project.

Trail Marks
Started a series of photos of the trail markers on the trail up Mt. Battie, thought I'd post a few here. Happy trails!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Barnet and the Heat at the CMCA

Hot, sticky but lovely evening last night as the CMCA opened three new exhibits: Dozier Bell, Yvonne Jacquette and of course Will Barnet. Always a pleasure to see Will and Elena and despite the heat, last night was certainly no exception. The Barnet show in the Bruce Brown gallery offers examples of Barnet the printmaker. Some well known, now iconic and some less know but equally amazing images, hang on the walls and are more than worth the trip to see - even in the heat.

Last night offered a nice crowd populate by many of the better know members of the mid-coast's art community. From the Farnsworth's Chris Brownawell and Roger Dell to painters Lois Dodd and Bjorn Runquist, most made sure to stop and pay the appropriate homage to the 99 year-old Barnet. There was a well received welcome and thank you from incoming CMCA director, Suzette McAvoy and it was especially nice to have my wife and former director, Mary Ann, there to see the fruits of her hard work paying off as the organization moves forward.

Just One More Little Change
Yesterday, as I thought through the upcoming premier of the Barnet film, I was struck with an idea that I couldn't ignore so it's back to the editing terminal for one more final change. As those close to me will attest, when I say "final," it is to be taken lightly.

Back to work!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Back from a Birthday Break

Took a few days off to relax and celebrate Mary Ann's and my birthdays. On Thursday we had a birthday breakfast with two of my favorite people - John and Mary Alice Bird, a lunch on the deck at the Boathouse and then later we drove down to Sebasco Estates for a lovely dinner with Will and Elena Barnet. That evening we were joined by Bjorn Runquist (whose birthday was the day before) and certainly enjoyed getting to know him a bit.

Friday was a day to relax and then off to Belfast for dinner at the home of my dear, dear friend Harold Garde and his family. Suzette McAvoy joined us as well and after a dinner of Harold's famous meatloaf we all dug in to a piece of ultra rich chocolate layer cake from the Brown Bag in Rockland, courtesy of my mom. Thanks mom, the cake was delicious!

Saturday was a day to burn off a few of the celebratory calories, so Mary Ann and I took an early morning hike up the backside trail of Mt. Battie. Well, we made it safely up and back down and of course that earned us a little well deserved reward so it was off to breakfast at the Mariners Restaurant in Camden for hash, eggs and blueberry muffins (Mary Ann actual went for the much healthier, veggie omelet).

We wrapped up my break last night with a dinner at the Primo Bar joined by Tom O'Donovan of Harbor Square Gallery fame. Oysters, grilled veggies and a sausage bar pizza had to be topped off with a bowl of hot Zeppole tossed in cinnamon and sugar.

Do you see a pattern a pattern here? Well, this morning it's back to work. Got to get the Barnet publicity machine rolling. The 22nd is just around the corner.