Thursday, August 5, 2010

Barnet and the Heat at the CMCA

Hot, sticky but lovely evening last night as the CMCA opened three new exhibits: Dozier Bell, Yvonne Jacquette and of course Will Barnet. Always a pleasure to see Will and Elena and despite the heat, last night was certainly no exception. The Barnet show in the Bruce Brown gallery offers examples of Barnet the printmaker. Some well known, now iconic and some less know but equally amazing images, hang on the walls and are more than worth the trip to see - even in the heat.

Last night offered a nice crowd populate by many of the better know members of the mid-coast's art community. From the Farnsworth's Chris Brownawell and Roger Dell to painters Lois Dodd and Bjorn Runquist, most made sure to stop and pay the appropriate homage to the 99 year-old Barnet. There was a well received welcome and thank you from incoming CMCA director, Suzette McAvoy and it was especially nice to have my wife and former director, Mary Ann, there to see the fruits of her hard work paying off as the organization moves forward.

Just One More Little Change
Yesterday, as I thought through the upcoming premier of the Barnet film, I was struck with an idea that I couldn't ignore so it's back to the editing terminal for one more final change. As those close to me will attest, when I say "final," it is to be taken lightly.

Back to work!