Monday, August 16, 2010

Movies: The good, the bad and the favorites (sometimes all of the above applies)

Last Friday evening I had dinner at the home of two of my all-time favorite people - John and Mary Alice Bird. For the longest time I had heard about John's son JB and finally on Friday I had the opportunity to meet him and his two terrific kids. As I suspected would be the case, I had a wonderful time and throughly enjoyed chatting with JB. After dinner the four of us (the kids had tired of the adults and went off to more interesting pursuits) sat and chatted and of course the topic very quickly turned to films and a list of some great ones that JB had compiled. Many of the movies on the list were favorites of mine as well and as we compared notes and favorite lines from some of them I remembered my pal Mike Dworkin had been on to me to put together a favorite films list of my own as well. So here goes - to the right you'll find a beginning of that list and I will over the coming days and weeks ad to and refine it toward putting together my personal list of all-time favorites. Now, keep in mind, that not all of these movies will be "great" films, some will make my list for more personal reasons - a great little supporting performance, or some specific technical aspect, or perhaps they just hold a special place in my life because of where or when I first experienced them. I'll leave it up to you readers to decide which is which.