Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hello Autumn

Now, while the thought of cool crisp afternoons in wool sweaters and cozy nights asleep under heavy quilts brings a smile to my face, I couldn't help but feel a bit sad this morning as a lay awake in bed waiting for the sun to catch up to my morning ritual. When the sun finally made its' appearance well after 6:00, I climbed out of bed, thought twice about the shorts hanging on the bedroom chair and opted instead for the pair of jeans. Then, as I readied myself for my morning walk, I glanced out the window at the heavy gray sky and leaves blowing in the brisk wind and pulled a hooded sweatshirt from the closet.

Fall has arrived.

As Norma Jean and I made our way around our mile and a half morning loop I couldn't help but notice the growing patches of color populating the trees along our route - weren't those leaves green just the day before? Again, I love fall and, with my favorite month mere days away, I await and welcome the glorious colors to come but I must admit that I will miss walking before 5:00 am, and being at my desk and working by 6:00.

Oh well, time to embrace corduroy and bid farewell to linen.