Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Manhattan - Day 41

All day just kicking around town with Mary Ann. Started it off with breakfast at the Cook Shop, followed by a walk through Soho, a movie in the afternoon at Angelika. While I liked, Martha Marcy May Marlene I'm not sure I get all the hype. As usual, with a movie that gets this much attention, I with I had seen it earlier.

after the movie we headed off back through the village with a stop for coffee at Jack's on 10th.

This evening we had a quiet dinner back in Chelsea. Tomorrow off to Maine for a week.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Manhattan - Day 40

Back to Manhattan yesterday afternoon after a night New Jersey visiting Mary Ann's family. We dropped off the bags here at GTS and set off on a walking tour of my NewYork. First stop Doma for a coffee and then a walk down Bleeker Street ending up at BareBurger for a bite to eat.

A beautiful night for a walk, and the need to do such after the dinner we ate, we strolled back through the village before calling it a day.

Today we kicked around the village, starting with breakfast at the Bus Stop Cafe (loyal readers do we see a pattern here?) then toff to check out the Occupy Wall Street encampment. On the way down I snapped this pic of Mary Ann on the train.

Tonight it's off to Greater Jamaica Development Corp's annual Gala.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Manhattan - Day 39

Fall in the air. This morning up for my walk which took down through the village as usual. The air had that crisp feel that was a sure sign that the cool nights of fall are her to stay. As I turned the corner from Bleeker and onto Hudson, there was the Saturday morning farmers market at Abington Square. I snapped this shot of these cauliflower which seemed an apt symbol of a fall day.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Manhattan - Day 38

Life Underground

It was my friend David who first pointed out the sculptures in the 14th Street & 8th Avenue subway station to me. I was certain that these whimsical little characters had been there for years but in reality "Life Underground" was created in the nineties by American sculptor, Tom Otterness  and installed in 2000.

Otterness credits 19th century political cartoonist Thomas Nast's depiction of Boss Tweed and the corruption of Tammany Hall that was ongoing at the time of the subway's initial construction as his inspiration for the sculptures, hence my thought that they were from a bygone era. Regardless, they never fail to bring a smile to my face and when you think about today's political climate and the Occupy Wall Street movement, many of them seem particularly relevant.

Manhattan - Day 37

Up to the upper east side to drop off another disc at the event planners on Lex. First time I've been to Grand Central since I've been here. Yet another iconic New York landmark. The area covered in black above the stairways in the last photo is the site of the new Apple Store, set to open next month.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Manhattan - Day 36

Lot's of running around today, dropping off DVDs up on Lex at Lorelei Events, back to Chelsea for desk work, coffee with Ira Goldberg from the Art Students League on 57th and eighth - all in the middle of constant cold wind and rain.

rain rain go away - we're all out of umbrellas!

Manhattan - Day 35

Well the results are in. I've spent over a month now walking and training up and down the island of Manhattan and I've identified my street of choice. Well first, I have to say that it came down to a few all in the West Village and while Waverly is lovely as are parts of Christopher, Bank and Greenwhich, in the end it came down to two - Horatio and Perry.

And the winner is . . .

Ultimately it was that perfect blend of residential and a touch of businesses that swayed me. Of course, that fact that it is anchored on one end by my favorite coffee shop, was a determining factor. 

Note: I was not swayed, however, by the fact that Carrie Bradshaw from Sex In the City lived on Perry. It took me a whie to figure out that all those people having their pictures taken in front of 66 Perry were not visiting the site of the former home of some literary giant such as Henry James.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Manhattan - Day 34

Well, this morning was a beautiful fall morning and after a couple hours at my desk I started off in search of a hearty breakfast. Little did I know that I was about to discover my new favorite breakfast place. I strolled down through the West Village making my way down Hudson, stopping at the Bus Stop Cafe. As you approach this smallish corner establishment you have the feeling you might be onto something.

Once inside and seated your instincts tell you that you could be right. The place is loaded with charm, huge windows that let the light stream in and reveal a perfect Greenwich Village view.

Of course we all know you can't eat ambiance so you remind yourself not to get carried away because the food has yet to arrive. The next in the continuing signs of good breakfast fortune arrives in the form of a cup - yes, a cup, not a mug but a cup of coffee, oh the joy! It's made of that wonderful classic diner ware with a handle big enough for your finger!

Cautiously you order your favorite - pancakes with a side of sausage and you sit sipping coffee from your CUP enjoying the view and oh yes - the classical music playing - not bad pop or screaming hip hop, but actual classical music. You tell your self to take it easy and enjoy it while you can because surely the food will arrive and burst the bubble. As the waiter sets down your plate you try and contain yourself because there they are - three golden and perfectly sized pancakes and on small plate next to them, three plump, New York sausages just waiting to release their abundant juices when you slice into them. Then comes the moment of truth - you smear the pancakes with butter and drown then in that oh so wonderful thick, brown, (2% actual maple syrup), liquid.

Slice into them and take a bite - delicious! The equally delicious sausage is next and as your waiter fills your coffee cup for the third time you realize that yes indeed you have found BREAKFAST NIRVANA!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Manhattan - Day 33

Up early this morning to grab a coffee and then back to my desk. Was eager to look at some of the footage I shot yesterday with Paul. Suddenly it's twelve hours later and I have my working cut of my first narrative short since "Birders". Know that I'll be polishing it in the weeks ahead but tonight, "How Do I Say This?" looks pretty good.

Manhattan - Day 32

Up early this morning to grab a train uptown to see my dear friend Harold Garde off on his trip home to Maine. Being in California these past few months have kept he and I from spending much time together and what a treat to have had yesterday together in New York and then this morning a bite of breakfast before I put him in his car over to LaGuardia. Harold, as always spending time with you is a treat but never enough.

After my breakfast with Harold it was back to Chelsea to spend the day shooting a short film with Paul Scott, the actor. A long and tiring day but I believe we got good stuff!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Manhattan - Day 31

Spent the day today catching up with old friends, making new ones and feeling more and more like a part of the creative community here - too bad I'm over half way through my stay. Oh well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts, make the most of the time I've got left, etc, etc, etc. . . I'm beat, shooting all day tomorrow.

From Jeffery Lerer's Manuscript Fragments Found at the Gilbert Hotel

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Manhattan - Day 30

10th's a hoppin'

Tonight I strolled down the wet pavement of 20th Street to 10 Avenue were I joined my dear friend Brian Numme for dinner. Things are really happing on 10th, new restaurants, book stores, galleries and of course all in the shadow of the wonderful HighLine. We had a great dinner at Izakaya Ten and had an even better time catching up. It's always great to see someone you care for finding the right groove for themselves and it seems like Brian has done just that. After dinner we took a little walk on the HighLine and snapped this pic.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Manhattan - Day 29

After a busy day, here I am sitting at my desk waiting for the software update on my iPhone - 90 minutes and counting . . . see ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Manhattan - Day 28

The Chelsea Back Lot

In the time I've been here I can honestly say that it seems far more unusual for there not to be some film or TV crew working in the area than it is to see the trailers, and trucks set up for another day of shooting. These blocks between 8th and 10th from 17th up to 22nd seem to be where the entertainment industry comes to capture the quintessential New York street. Everything from TV pilot's (directed by Andrew McCarthy no less) to Hollywood films have been on location here over the past 4 weeks.

"Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup now."

Monday, October 10, 2011

Manhattan - Day 27

This morning I went out for a long walk before the Indian Summer heat blanketed the city. I started down ninth through Chelsea, then when ninth ended, I continued down the length of Hudson through the Village, then into Tribeca and ending of course in the financial district and the site of the new Freedom tower. As I walked down through lower Manhattan with its' cobblestone streets and trendy shops and restaurants, I tried to imagine what it all must have looked like ten years ago coated in a layer of ash and dust. Hard to imagine.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Manhattan - Day 26

October, glorious October. My favorite month of the year, the sweaters come out of the closet, the leaves begin to turn and there is a certain smell that travels along on the cool autumn breeze. . .
. . . and today it was 85!

Now I know a lot of folks loved this little bit of Indian summer, but as I walked across the park today, amidst all the October sunbathers, all I could think of was -  "it's too damn hot". I hear it supposed to cool down in a couple of days. Well, not soon enough for me.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Manhattan - Day 25

Last stop on the Steve Jobs Memorial tour.

I'd been hearing that the 5th Avenue Apple Store seemed to be the main location for the Jobs Memorial, so this morning I grabbed a coffee and went uptown to have a look see. Sure enough, the memorial there was substantially larger than the ones at the other stores and apparently still growing four days after his death.

Of course later in the day, back in Chelsea, I could see that the memorial at 14th street hadn't slowed down either.

It was however a beautiful Indian Summer day so I swung by the Union Square farmers Market . . .

. . . and then, just before dinner, I took a stroll over to Washington Square to check in on the 99% movement and their protest against the corruption on Wall Street and the unfair distribution of wealth in this country. As you can see, quite a turnout. 
Hey, people are pissed.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Manhattan - Day 24

This morning, as I walked down 14h this for my coffee I could see that the Memorial on the glass walls of the Apple store was still growing.